The Dog Hotel
  supplies and shopping

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This web site is secured using a Thawte Digital Certificate. This ensures that all information you send to us via the World Wide Web will be encrypted. If any other internet user intercepts the communication he/she will only be able to see it in an encrypted (garbled) form.Certificate technology allows us to decrypt the information, and view it in plain text form.


Please fill out the reservation form. All fields are required.
This form is secure, please enter reservation payment information.

We will contact you within 24 hours to confirm your reservation.

 Your Name:  Your e-mail:
 Your Phone: Your Dog Breed:
 Date Check-In:  Date Check-Out:
Check-In Time: Check-Out Time:
Payment: Billing name:
Card number: Expiration date:
Confirm reservation:
Please enter your comments and special requirements, if any.

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